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How often should you bathe your pet?

If you have a small puppy, it should not be bathed until it is 3 months old, since animals at this age do not have many defenses and can easily catch a cold.

To keep your pet well-hygienic, it will be enough to bathe your dog once every 15 days, since washing it excessively, despite being a natural product, can be counterproductive, since it could damage the layer of fat on your pet’s skin that protects it from external aggressions from the environment, such as dust, rain, mites, among others.

Do not bathe your dog with cold water, since this will make it feel very uncomfortable, use warm water of 36 to 38 degrees, and try to do everything calmly, since if you get nervous, your pet will interpret that something bad is going to happen to it and will try to escape from there at all costs.

Start by wetting your pet’s hair, starting from the extremities and ending with the head. Put a little shampoo in your hands and gently rub your pet’s body, starting with the extremities and ending with the head, being very careful not to get foam in their ears or eyes.

Leave it on for one or two minutes, and then rinse your pet until the shampoo is completely removed.

Dry your pet with an ultra-absorbent towel, not with a hairdryer, because, although it looks great, the reality is that hot air can noticeably dry out their skin. Professional dog stylists use hairdryers, but only to finish drying when it is almost done. If you want to experiment, you can do so, but with warm air and, in general, cooler than warm.

When the coat is dry, comb your pet and voila! A shiny and healthy coat for your canine friend.

Learn these tricks to bathe your dog easily

There are dogs that really enjoy bathing, but some of them run away and hide just by hearing the water falling, or become noticeably aggressive. To avoid this behavior, follow these tips:

Before bathing your dog, pet him and talk to him while looking him in the eyes, tell him that you are going to bathe him and that he should be calm and relaxed. If you notice that he is restless, just wait for him to calm down a bit, and then calmly grab him.

In the place where you are going to bathe him, have everything at hand. The Lulu’s Way 2 in 1 shampoo, a towel, a container with warm water and a bowl to pour the water on your dog.

Keep in mind that bathing your dog, even if it is small, requires time and dedication, so it will not feel scared and stressed, looking to escape every time you repeat the bathing process.

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Try not to touch their ears, either with your hand or with water. Dogs don’t like this part of their body to be touched, and in fact, water inside the ear can cause infections. If you want to clean this part of your pet, you’ll only need to wipe a damp cotton ball around the outside of the ears and that’s it!

Always wear comfortable clothing so you can move around easily, and keep in mind that sometimes you’ll have to bathe afterwards, especially if your dog has grown, because by nature, as soon as they feel that their hair is very wet, they’ll shake a lot.

Never throw water on your dog’s face. The nose area is extremely delicate and they can also get upset with this activity. If you want to wash this area, use a damp towel.

When you get to the belly area and the paw pads, do it with a soft sponge, as these areas are very sensitive and you can cause some damage to your pet if you don’t do it carefully.

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Keep adding water subtly until it comes out completely clean. Finally, after drying your dog, give him a cookie or one of his favorite snacks as a reward for participating in this routine.

Remember that your dog, as with any routine, must periodically adjust to giving him a bath once every 15 days or a month, and with this procedure you will surely achieve it.

If during the month your dog needs a bath, you can use wet wipes. If it is definitely essential to bathe him, do not hesitate to use Lulu’s Way 2-in-1 shampoo, since it has natural ingredients and will not dry out your pet’s skin, even if you bathe your pet several times a month.

However, remember that dogs do not need a daily bath, because instead of being beneficial, it can be quite harmful. If your pet is very young or even if it has been living with you for years, do not hesitate to use this excellent shampoo that will leave your pet’s hair soft and shiny like you have never seen before. You will be surprised by the results!

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